Hokum Links
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Hokum Links: Home

The Hokum Links: Home page lists the name of each link page on Hokum by category. Each listing has a short description to give you an idea of the sort of information you can find on the links page. The same link may appear on more than one page.

All the links on this site are geared towards writers and technical writers. It includes links for job hunting, writing skills, and useful research related sites writers may need to call upon while they are writing. One cautionary note for anyone using the web for research: Please remember to always double check any information you find with more than one source. While the Internet is a GREAT source of information, there are a lot of nut cases out there who are just writing gibberish and pretending to know what they are talking about.

The following is a list of the link categories.


Computer Technology

Computer Graphics

Information, advice and tutorials regarding computer graphics.

Computer Science

General computer information, news and interests.

Software Companies

Common software vendors that writers may come across.



Career advice and training for writers.

Online Job Boards

Job boards geared towards writers and technical communicators in particular.


Desktop Publishing

Information, advice and tutorials regarding desktop publishing.


Fun links to keep you entertained or just lost in the warm fuzzies of the Internet.

Internet and Web

Information, advice and tutorials regarding the Internet and World Wide Web.

Movies, TV and Radio

Fun links for movies and TV.


News and commentary from around the world.



Information and news for the field of anthropology.


Information and news for the field of biology.

Earth Sciences

Earth sciences, geography and geology.

East Civilization

Information, history and studies about Eastern culture.

General Science

General science information that doesn't fit neatly in other categories.


Physical and mental well being.


Language study, linguistics and language learning.

Law Enforcement

Investigation, forensics and code enforcement.


Sites of interest to philosophers. :-)


Dictionaries, glossaries and encyclopedias.


Religious studies.


All things for outer space, including planetary sciences.

Society and Culture

Sociology, social studies, and culture studies not covered under anthropology.

Western Civilization

Information, history and studies about Western culture.


Fiction Writing

Information, advice and tutorials regarding fiction writing.


English grammar.


Book reviews and criticisms.

Technical Writing

Information, advice and tutorials regarding technical writing.